Sunday, March 21, 2010

If I were the prime minister : Max

As you know that Thai people are in the situation of conflict and violence within nation. There are protesters who have different idea and way of democratism, identified by their color shirts.
They called on the 2-3 last government to calls for election. They are demands by main protest leaders not overall. However, there are groups of Thai people who need the peaceful of Thailand comes again. They support and claim every protesters not to use violence. They are instituted by a number of people that don't like the conflict and violence. Most of all are scholars, collegians, human rights and businessman. They have the good knowledge and understand the right of democracy. They think of the common interests are important than avidity.
If I were the prime minister of Thailand, I will resolve the conflict by give the standard knowledge to every people and every rural areas because I think the main cause of the problems is people who lack the knowledge and ideas. Then they choose the side that returns benefits to them that gives their life being better. So I will solve the problem by change the core curriculum of students that should learn essential knowledge, livelihood, religion and sufficiency economy. People who have been known to be develop their rural areas, cities and Thailand. When people have been understanding and are being improved. They know what is the real democratic and how to called on the government to help them by way of democratism. The conflict that happens now will being resolved. However this idea needs a long time to resolves so the best way is every protest leads should reduce avidity and people should think of the common interests.

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